Living a fast life of constant change and chasing the next big challenge, my existence became a consistent pattern of ramp up, burn out, burn bridges, recovery, rebuild, and starting it all over again.
I threw myself into “fires of chaotic potential” in my “career” with conviction and determination if for no other reason than I had the energy and desperately sought a value-added outlet.
This approach to living would only crush my outcome of success; the time and energy put into each effort, whittled away by the repercussions of ignoring the “fundamentals of living well”. I was left with emotional volatility, pent up ambition, inconsistent income, few friends, a sense of complete identity loss and lack of belonging.
This experience became so common that I accepted it as normal, and I slowly became less the person I wanted and knew I could be.
But who teaches us these “fundamentals”?
the art of balancing life’s joys and career fulfillment
how social circles and self-awareness are key for any ambition to become reality
that our diet and mind are linked
when our environment messes with our emotions and
having an outlet for expression can stabilize them
I don’t have those answers, but I have created a solution to help you find them, a tool for guidance.
Even if you know how to eat well, exercise for performance, and have an inordinate amount of self-discipline, it’s possible to still feel you’re not who you want to be and unsure how to makes steps towards the improvement… I did and I knew I needed to do something else to change, albeit unsure of exactly what - at the time.
So, I got serious, started doing the research; digging deeper than what doctors or societal guidance had to offer. I took pre-med science courses, got certified through an intensive health coaching program, read up on the latest approaches for psychological training, attended professional conferences on nutrition, medicine, food science, sustainability systems, and I started asking the right people the right questions to uncover the “gaps” in my knowledge.
Still learning, after a little over five years, I decided to put all that work into a simple tool that anyone could use to help improve life in less than 10 minutes.
So, if you’re deep in your day-to-day and know something is “off” or you feel “stuck” and unsure how to improve your mental, physical, social, environmental, economic, or personal self - I created this for you.
Simplifying the most complex aspects of being human - giving the qualitative a quantitative benchmark to track and improve upon - the Health Compass is a personal assessment tool to guide you through a bigger universe of wellness than you’ve likely considered exploring.
I only hope to share this tool as an option for change through self-betterment for anyone willing to put the work in.
There’s a better way of living and it’s attainable, just take one step at a time.
Enjoy the trip!
~ Chelsea Rusche
Founder of Health Atlas Guide