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A bounty of options to choose from!
Is it Membership to our Guided Programs or a Reservation Only service you’re after?
See the difference below:
Health Atlas Membership
Unlimited Access to the Health Atlas Library and Exercises
Monthly No-Contract Membership
Skip-The-Line on Seasonal Product Waitlists
Monthly Reservation Only Service*
Partnership Discounts, Giveaways, and New Research Access
*specific to the offering listed for that month only redeemable during window available with no modifications
By Reservation Only:
Health Atlases by Point of Interest (Guided Program not required)
Health Challenges: activity-specific itineraries to explore the mind, body, and senses
Health Pit-Stops: one-time consults on specific Points of Interest
Adventure Services (bespoke group and theme-based events)
Special inquiry reports: request a researched review of a product or health claim
Contact us.
We gave you a lot to choose from.
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